// f_ctrl.c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int main() { FILE *fp0 = (FILE *)NULL, *fp1 = (FILE *)NULL; char szTemp[4]; fp0 = fopen("Read.TXT", "rt"); if (fp0 == NULL) { printf("Open \"Read.TXT\" failed!! \n"); fclose(fp0); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fp1 = fopen("Write.TXT", "w+"); if (fp1 == NULL) { printf("Open \"Write.TXT\" failed!! \n"); fclose(fp1); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(&szTemp, '\0', sizeof(char) * 4); fseek(fp0, 5L, SEEK_SET); // Start at '5' at 1st line fread((void *)&szTemp, sizeof(char), 4, fp0); fwrite((void *)&szTemp, sizeof(char), 4, fp1); // szTemp = {'5', '6', '7', '8'}; szTemp[4 - 1] = '\0'; // szTemp = {'5', '6', '7', '\0'}; printf("Position0: %ld, %s \n", ftell(fp0), (char *)szTemp); // Position must be: '9' at 1st line. memset(&szTemp, '\0', sizeof(char) * 4); fseek(fp0, -1L, SEEK_CUR); // Start at '8' at 1st line fread((void *)&szTemp, sizeof(char), 4, fp0); fwrite((void *)&szTemp, sizeof(char), 4, fp1); // szTemp = {'8', '9', '\n', '9'}' szTemp[4 - 1] = '\0'; // szTemp = {'8', '9', '\n', '\0'}' printf("Position1: %ld, %s \n", ftell(fp0), (char *)szTemp); // Position must be: '8' at 2nd line. memset(&szTemp, '\0', sizeof(char) * 4); fseek(fp0, -6L, SEEK_END); // Start is '5' at 2nd line fread((void *)&szTemp, sizeof(char), 4, fp0); fwrite((void *)&szTemp, sizeof(char), 4, fp1); // szTemp = {'5', '4', '3', '2' }; szTemp[4 - 1] = '\0'; // szTemp = {'5', '4', '3', '\0' }; printf("Position2: %ld, %s \n", ftell(fp0), (char *)szTemp); // Position must be: '1' at 2nd line. fseek(fp0, 0L, SEEK_END); printf("The last position: %ld \n", ftell(fp0)); // Get the last position rewind(fp0); // fseek(fp0, 0L, SEEK_SET); printf("The position after rewind(): %ld \n", ftell(fp0)); // Set the position to start fclose(fp0); fclose(fp1); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }這一段程式碼非常地簡單;首先,我先準備一個Read.TXT檔案,用來做讀取的動作,Read.TXT檔案的內容如下:
0123456789 9876543210另外,也準備一個Write.TXT的檔案,用來當作寫入的動作。
1. 首先,用memset()把要儲存字串的位址szTemp做一個初始化的動作;
2. 用fseek()調整Position在檔案中的位置;
3. 連續用fread(), fwrite()把讀取出來的szTemp寫進Write.TXT中;
4. 為了要將字串秀在螢幕上,所以把szTemp最后一個字元置換成結束字元。
從範例和復習的過程當中,fread(), fwrite()本身並沒有「結束字元 ('\0')」和「斷行 ('\n')」的觀念,所以必須靠fseek()來調整Position在檔案中的位置;而ftell()則是可以告訴設計師現在Position在檔案的哪裡。rewind()可以把Position直接移到檔案的最前面。
1. FILE *fopen(const char *path, const char *mode);
2. int fclose(FILE *stream);
3. size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t sz, size_t n, FILE *fp);
4. size_t fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t sz, size_t n, FILE *fp);
5. int fseek(FILE *fp, long offset, int origin);
6. long ftell(FILE *fp);
7. int rewind(FILE *fp);